Simeon Beckett SC is a leading public law barrister with over 25 years of experience in human rights law, anti-discrimination law, administrative law and judicial review, coronial Inquests and commissions of inquiries, and native title. He regularly appears in State and federal courts and tribunals at first instance and in appellate matters including in the High Court of Australia. He appeared in the High Court in the disability discrimination and constitutional law case of Citta Hobart Pty Ltd v Cawthorn.
Simeon has an interstate practice particularly in discrimination cases and statutory human rights matters and is currently appearing in such matters in Queensland, NSW, ACT, Tasmania and Western Australia. He continues to accept briefs to appear at the same time as undertaking his vice regal duties.
Simeon has appeared in a large number of commissions of inquiry including as counsel assisting the landmark Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. He has also represented government, families and private parties in over 50 inquests many as counsel assisting the Coroner. His practice includes intentional tort, negligence, professional discipline and insurance cases. He frequently provides advice and representation on highly complex matters and has a reputation as a skilled legal strategist.
Simeon has a long-term interest in human rights law including the rights of First Nations and has been chair of the Human Rights Committee of the NSW Bar Association and the First Nations Issues Committee of the Australian Bar Association. He is a founding member of the Trans-Tasman Human Rights Law Conference (August 2024).